Hot yoga – your new movement plan You probably know by now that yoga is good for you. You probably also know that there is a huge variety of yoga styles – Hatha, Vinyasa, Ashtanga, Forrest, Yin, Restorative, Iyengar, Kundalini, Goat (yes we did just say Goat. Google it.) – we could go on. With […]
Shake it up!
Shaken not stirred
Shake it up! Whether you’re looking to muscle up or stay healthy we’ve got just what your body needs to refuel, recover, and re-energize. Our shakes are 100% natural, vegan and organic. Extra scoop of protein? We’ve got your back! Your daily dose We’ve chosen Orangefit Protein, a plant-based, vegan-friendly powder made from yellow split […]
Celebration time
YG Studios is here! Strength and growth of YG Studios community provides space for complete movement concept with four rooms, in the heart of Rotterdam. Rotterdam, June 15, 2022 – Last Saturday, Rotterdam-based movement studio YG Studios opened a new branch at Lijnbaan, with four rooms, a coffee bar and a massage room. As of […]
Retreat yourself this summer
maximising summertime vibes
Retreat yourself this summer Here it is the groove slightly transformed Just a bit of a break from the norm Just a little somethin’ to break the monotony… Name that song! Spoiler alert – it’s DJ Jazzy Jeff & the Fresh Prince, Summertime. Blasting from the past with feel good grooves that perfectly sum up […]
It's all about the movement
YG FEST JUNE 11 Marking the Grand Opening of YG Lijnbaan, we proudly present YG FEST. A full day in party mode, packed with all the goodness our new venue has to offer. From 10AM, get a taste of all our classes and see our brand-new studio rooms. Meet your favorite teachers and say hey […]
Yoga Rotterdam
yoga within reach for everybody
Yoga class in Rotterdam at YG Studios At YG Studios we believe yoga can be down to earth and within reach for everybody. It helps you to relax, brings focus and improves overall athletic performance. Because it’s so good for you, we want you to be able to take your yoga class in Rotterdam anytime; […]
This is no longer an empty space. On May 15 our new studio doors open for classes, we cannot wait for your to see it! You can book your classes in our Lijnbaan schedule, online now. Come find us at Lijnbaan 31. Need help? Send us an email – Stay up to date, follow your favorite Yogastudio in Rotterdam Centrum on Instagram, Facebook or subscribe to our mailing […]
the power of breath Take a deep breath in; expand the belly and rib cage, fill the lungs. Now slowly, take a deep breath out, releasing with control. Again, take a deep, slow breath in, and follow it with a smooth, steady breath out… get in control of your breathing Even if you’ve only taken […]
Saturday April 23
YOGAGROUND AT MOMO FESTIVAL 2022 Be there on Saturday morning, April 23, 10.30am. During the MoMo festival Yogaground is ready to get your Saturday morning off to a good start. Roísín will let you experience what we love about yoga! Follow a series of challenging and ever-changing yoga poses. Move to the rhythm of the […]
Boost your energy!
Wisdom and self-confidence
Boost your energy! Sometimes you feel like you just need a boost, and you need it right now! Try these 3 simple movements to get you and your energy levels back on track. *When you feel better afterwards you can save it to your favorites! 😉 Tap the energy tap Stand up straight. Relax your […]