Let’s go for YG Run!
Our bodies have evolved to make us effective endurance runners. Consider the length of our legs, shock-absorbing spinal discs, our hips, and the prominent position of our feet. We can also sweat, keeping our bodies cool during strenuous exercise. Let’s go running!
Include these 2 workouts in your training schedule and you will reach your running goals!
Explore the streets, parks, and bridges of Rotterdam with YG Run running training, interval training, technique and more. Become a better runner, stay motivated and run with us twice a week!
Niels, manager of Run2Day, will be your running coach and teach you all the ins and outs.

You’re running to have fun
When your body and mind begin to adjust, running can feel liberating. Repetitive movements can put you in a meditative state that can be blissful. The only advice we can give you is to remember that you run to have fun.
Exercise has a positive effect on your mental state and even a 30-minute walk a day at a slow pace boosts your mood. It does wonders for the quality of your sleep, your mood and even your focus during the day. That’s where YG Studios pay-off “It’s all about the movement” starts to make sense 😉
Set your goals and let our team of amazing teachers help you become a better runner and get support where you need it most. Maintain a healthy routine and maybe one day you’ll undergo that runner’s high. Get ready to sweat!

Whatever your running goal
Whatever your goal, running is accessible to everyone. Just tie your laces and get going! Getting used to running, if you have done it for a while or never, can be quite intense. Our YG Run club is for all levels, you will learn the least tiring and most effective running techniques. Even with a 30-minute run, you start to burn calories, build overall strength, and improve your mental health.
YG RUN, every Tuesday and Thursday, we run around the streets and parks. We combine a joined run with technique training.
Need help? Send us an email – hey@ygstudios.nl
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