sharing = caring
Winter is often associated with celebrations and festivities around the world, particularly in the northern hemisphere. It’s a time of coming closer together as the chill sets in. And one of the big things about getting together? Sharing.
Sharing is fundamental to humanity. It bonds us together, introduces us to new things, and at one point was pretty much key to our survival as a species. Sharing isn’t just limited to the physical either – we share experiences, stories, and emotions with each other which strengthens bonds and helps us understand one another and shows our appreciation. Caring.

How sharing is key in getting together
Food is a great connector, and has long since been a focal point of getting together. Feasts and dinners are often factored into celebrations, with holidays such as Christmas, Thanksgiving, Eid, and Rosh Hashanah culminating in a large shared meal between families and close friends.
Some holidays don’t just extend sharing to the living however. The Mexican holiday Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) focuses on celebrating life and death, and remembering and honouring loved ones who are no longer here. Get-togethers during this holiday focus on sharing food with each other and deceased loved ones. Family members will leave the loved one’s favourite foods on their graves as an offering, so they can enjoy it in the next life. It is also common for the family and friends to share these particular treats with each other while reminiscing about the person in question, keeping their memory alive and sharing a piece of them with each other.
Confections are popular during this holiday, but an absolute staple is Pan de Muertos – a sweetened bread dusted with sugar. Looking for a good Mexican Restaurant? Following the lifestyle and adventures of Alfredo Gonzales, Alfredo’s Taqueria brings you all the great flavours from the heart of Mexico. Offering the best Mexican street- and comfort food, serious drinks and urban culture.
If food is a great connector, how about actually making the food together? Gather your friends for a workshop at Keukenboeren in Rotterdam. You’ll learn new techniques, prepare some great and healthy food, while creating nice memories in the process.

For in the Eastern hemisphere, this period also has plenty of holidays and festivities that include the sharing of gifts. Diwali is a religious celebration observed by Hindus, Sikhs and Jains the world over. It’s a festival of light that is celebrated between October and November, and is associated with Lakshmi – the goddess of prosperity. Gift-giving during this holiday is an age-old tradition that is highly revered. The tradition of gifts is seen as a way of spreading love and prosperity, as well as promoting harmony. Which is the best thing to share, in our opinion.
Gifts don’t have to be physical things either! Rotterdam-based artist and inventor, Daan Roosegaarde, hosts exhibitions that focus on the use of light and darkness to create stunning and dramatic installations. Why not grab a loved one this season and head over to his latest exhibition and share a new experience together?
season of light and gift-giving
Gift giving can also be a way of expressing and sharing culture. It is often a way to welcome someone to a place, be it a new country, home, or even work. One of the biggest holidays associated with gift giving is of course Christmas, with most countries’ variations of the holiday involving gift giving in some capacity.
Let’s face it. One of the best things about getting together is swapping stories. We do it all the time, mostly without even realising. We meet up with friends and family to share important details about our lives, catch up on the latest gossip, and entertain each other with hilarious anecdotes. It’s all storytelling in some way shape or form.
But for some cultures, storytelling can be a focal point of getting together. Iranian culture is a notable example. Naqqāli is an ancient form of dramatic storytelling, with stories that can be real or fictitious. People gather together to hear stories shared from Naqqāls – the storytellers. Naqqāli has had a difficult past, with the practice sometimes disappearing for periods of time, but is currently going through a strong revival. Naqqāli has played such an important role in Iranian society and culture that it’s listed on the UNESCO site as intangible heritage.
For those looking for a slice of Naqqāli on their doorstep, Mezrab, the house of stories, offers a range of storytelling nights located in the heart of Amsterdam. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll laugh again. For more details click the button below!

Our hostess Eva is a Willem de Kooning Academy student, taking part in art project Kunst blijft slapen. Borrowed from the Dutch center for cultural heritage, five pieces of art spend a couple of weeks in the homes of Rotterdammers. With them, Eva creates a new artwork based on their interaction with the existing work and personal experiences. An inspiring, interactive project, with the results on display at Rotterdam Kunsthal until Sunday November 14.
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