More about Fascia Release
Before treating your Fascia right you first need to know what it is. The fascial network surrounds, protects and fills every muscle, tendon, ligament, bone, tissue and organ of your body. It’s a connective tissue holding the body together. When treating it well, you’ll allow your body to move safely without restriction or pain.
To begin, the word Myofascia is derived from the Greek word ‘myo’ meaning muscle and ‘fascia’ meaning band. To maintain well-being, Myofascial Release promotes the idea of body and mind working together. Without the mind guiding, your body can remember postural actions, positions and even emotions. Fascia is active, so when you apply gentle pressure, it releases tension by elongating and restores to a healthier position.
Secondly you’ll have trigger points, often referred to as knots or hotspots. These points arise when our muscles are under a lot of pressure, fatigued, overused, or used in a wrong way. Our muscles are built up from muscle fibers which slide and glide when moving our muscles. When under pressure, some of the fibers remain contracted which will create a tight point called a trigger point. In this case the blood flow is restricted, and the muscles becomes tenser. Below you can find two ways to dissolve those knots and restore your muscles’ ability to get nutrition and oxygen from the blood and bring back their optimum flexibility.
hands on massage
Let go of and ease pressure with a Deep Tissue massage treatment from one of our massage therapists Anthony, Irma, Dewi or Weronika. . They’ll work deep into the tissue layers of the body to ease chronic pain and restore alignment and mobility to muscles and joints. Stretching the fascia takes time and is dictated by the fascia, not the therapist. We offer more massages besides Deep Tissue. Check all full offer and book your massage here via Treatwell with one of our therapists.
learn to do it yourself
Learn how to treat your fascia by joining Camilla’s Myofascial Release every once in a while. Her next workshop is scheduled for October 7 2023, keep an eye on our events schedule for more info and get your ticket! The perfect combination of ultimate stretch and deep relaxation. With the help of tennis balls and various techniques, you’ll learn how to positively influence the nervous system and to let go of tension and stress.
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