We’re now fully into 2022. Most probably, your new year resolutions are fading out. And, it’s February, surely the worst month of the year – the good times from Christmas just a ghostly memory and the promises of Spring too far to imagine. It’s not surprising, then, that your motivation to keep doing The Good Stuff starts to lessen… But wait. It doesn’t have to be like this. We know how to up the ante and get back on track, just by tapping into the right resources.
We’ve all met that strange (slash amazing) person who seems to have limitless energy and commitment to training. They’ll wake up early or stay out late just for the opportunity to train. They’re all smiles and positivity. They couldn’t imagine a day without it. It’s just what they do.
And then, there’s the rest of us. We like training, sometimes. We know it’s good for us, but…(isn’t there’s always a but?). We need an extra push. So where and how do we get that?
Science has recently found a potential answer, for women at least. A new study has shown how oestrogen can be used to influence the brain into increasing physical activity. It could provide a helpful explanation as to why post-menopausal women, with declining levels of oestrogen, can suffer from inactivity. Yes, it may be a long time before you can opt for oestrogen replacement therapies, but the study makes clear you can always choose to move. It really is mind over movement.
Here are more science-backed tips for creating and maintaining your training regime, with another 13 tips to get your move on. For culture-vulture science fans, there’s also a new play of Davy Pieters coming to Theater Rotterdam that explores what would happen if we had the power to genetically alter the properties of an organism to our liking. Get a ticket for this weekend or for the end of March!

Here again we can turn to science for an answer to the link between body and mind. A new study published in NeuroImage has found that the white matter regions of the brain, which are susceptible to decline brought on by ageing, actually retain some plasticity (read: integrity) induced by aerobic exercise.
The study examined people aged over 60 who were initially not active but otherwise healthy. Those who engaged in brisk aerobic exercise several times a week showed renewed white matter. Those who didn’t engage in exercise showed a decrease in white matter. In short, your brain is better the more you move!
Feel like you need a boost? Click the button below and join Nicola via YGTV for a 20 min breathing session to reactivate and boost your body and brain and get motivated!
The physical benefits of movement are clear – our bodies were designed to move in 360 degrees, not sit, hunch and slump. Many injuries are caused by lack of movement; a lot saved by intelligent, regular practices. And then there are the mental benefits – from that post-workout high to some much-needed psycho-space, our heads really do feel great after we move.

You know we’re into movement. You know it’s what we do. But we also do life and living, and we know just how much your whole day needs energy and drive. When we talk about mastering motivation to move, we’re also talking about motivation to do. Whether it’s a personal goal or a milestone at work, we believe it’s healthy to set yourself targets. And to be successful, your mindset needs to be toned and focussed just like any muscle in your body.
Queen of fitness and motivation, and generally a total babe, Adrienne Herbert offers 6 tips to creating a power hour to kick start your day. Or take a listen to one of these inspirational podcasts. Not forgetting the brilliant How to Fail podcast below, to balance out all this high-achievening wonder.

How to book a personal session?
Make sure you have YG Personal credits on your account. Send us an email by hitting the button below and let us know your favorite teacher and time slot.
We will help you balance out your body and mind.
Need help? Send us an email – hey@ygstudios.nl
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