Her name, Róisín, is obviously Irish and the pronunciation is a bit of a mystery for many Dutch people. (Her mother is from Dublin and her father from Rotterdam.) When she’s in Ireland, it feels wonderful to hear her name everywhere – it’s just as common as the name Jan or Kees in the Netherlands.
She used to be quite tough on herself being a professional dancer. Her love for Yoga eventually taught her to take a softer approach to dance and to life. It made her more aware of signals from within which resulted in improved understanding and compassion.
Róisín did her yoga training in Goa, focusing on Ashtanga-based Vinyasa Flow. But get ready because she’s also saving up to expand her training into restorative and yin-based practices.
Costa Rica is high on her travel wish-list, but she’d be interested to see any country that offers a variety of nature. For a while, she even lived in Sri Lanka with her boyfriend – a beautiful country with amazing food, culture and nature.
She loves the vibe Rotterdam offers – a bit rough, honest and diverse, with great architecture. It’s even better that her friends and family are here too, perhaps going to Weelde together or chilling at Het Park in the sun.
In Róisín’s opinion, food is better when shared. Her favourite meals have been on holidays with others or random evenings with friends. We couldn’t agree more!