frequently asked questions


Find the answers to the most asked questions:

New at YG Studios? This is all you want to know.


how do i get started at YG Studios?

Get to know our team and studios. Try a single class or get our 3 for 25 pack. With this pack you can try out any 3 classes within two weeks. Create an account, download the YG Studios app and get started!

Can I join a class after it has started?

We've got a strict no-entry policy once the class kicks off. We want everyone to enjoy the session without disruptions. Aim to arrive 10 minutes before the start time—gives you a buffer for check-in, changing, and getting into that zone.

what is the best way to get in contact?

When you have a question please reach out to or walk into the studio in between classes. Or contact us via 010-22 62 815 you can leave your name and phone number.

I don't speak Dutch, is that an issue?

No problem, all our classes are taught in English.

What kind of workshops do you offer?

Check our event page. Here you wil find our workshops of all durations and prices.

are there showers, changing rooms and lockers?

We have everything you need to leave our studios fully dressed and refreshed, ready to take on the rest of your day. Bring your own towel or rent one of ours for Euro 1.

Shoes or no shoes?

Please wear clean indoor training shoes to all classes that are taught in our HIT room. (HIIT, HERO and BOX) Yoga, Pump, and Sculpt done barefoot. You'll need outdoor running shoes for YG Run.



How long before a class starts should I arrive at the studio?

We advise you to arrive at least 10 minutes prior to your class. This gives you enough time to check in and get ready for class. You'll not be admitted to class when arriving after the start time of the class. This policy is in place to ensure you get the benefits of a full workout, prevent injuries and to be mindful of the teacher and other students.

What do I bring to my yoga class?

All you need to bring is a yoga mat and a towel to put over your mat and a comfortable outfit to wear during class. Remove your shoes or slippers at the door, yoga is done barefoot.

Do I have to bring my own mat to my yoga class?

Bring your own yoga mat or rent one at the front desk for Euro 1. Or buy one in our shop. We offer mats from Lululemon and Bodhi. Find the yoga mat that's perfect for you! Check out our Unlimited Monthly Premium membership, you'll never have to rent a yoga mat again!

What is High Intensity Training?

Our High Intensity or 'HIT' classes are designed to offer you a full-body workout designed to increase strength and fitness and getting your heart rate up.

What do i bring to a HIIT or HERO class?

Bring a bottle of water and clean indoor shoes to the HIIT or HERO class. Grab a fitness towel at the front desk to wipe off the sweat. Make sure to wear clean indoor training shoes. No need to bring a yoga mat.

What do i need for YG RUN training?

Wear layers and dress according to the weather forecast. No matter the weather, we're always going out for a run! Ok, well, not in heavy thunderstorms, but that's really about it. You'll need outdoor running shoes for YG Run.

What do I bring to my Sculpt class?

Sculpt is our version of pilates. Wear a yoga outfit, bring a bottle of water if you want to and grab one of our fitness towels to wipe off your sweat. You'll need a yoga mat.

Do i need to bring my own boxing gloves?

You can rent our boxing gloves for Euro 1 or bring your own. Hydrate well and bring a bottle of water. Please wear clean indoor training shoes.

I'm pregnant, what classes can I take?

As soon as you are over three months pregnant and in good health it's ok to take classes again. In the early stages of your pregnancy it's best to take a break. Always notify our teacher about your health before entering the class. Check the Mama Strong and Mama Flow pregnancy classes!

I have an injury, can I come in for a Yoga or Hit class?

Come 10 minutes early so you have time to ask questions and discuss do’s and don'ts with the teacher.

Am i flexible enough to do Yoga?

This is your practice and body, it’s important to stay grounded and patient. There is no need to push yourself too hard to fit yourself into a posture. Respect and listen to your unique body and focus on your breathing which will help to create awareness. The short answer? Yoga is for everybody, don’t worry about your flexibility.



How do i book a class?

You can book a class at the schedule on our website of in the app. As soon as you have an account, you can click on the class of your choosing and book it.

What is the price for one class?

Our prices per class vary. More movement = less payment. Why? We believe that physical activity should be part of your daily routine. That's why we reward you when you give it your all. All our classes on the schedule are 2 credits.

Which YG Studios membership should i take?

• Get Started • New to YG Studios? Get started with a '3 for 25' pack. This gives you three classes to get you going. Valid for two weeks upon purchase. • Credits packs • Our credits packs are valid for a year and work best if you join us whenever you feel like it but don't like that feeling of 'having to go' to your gym. • Monthly Memberships • Are you in it for a weekly class at YG Studios? Get a 10 credits monthly! Excited to join us twice a week? Get a 16 credits monthly. If you run out of credits before the end of the month, you can easily purchase extra credits for the same reduced amount. If you are ready to totally rock it, or want to dedicate more time to exercise, check out our Unlimited Monthly membership or Unlimited Monthly Premium membership. • Unsure what to pick, or do you have a question? Contact us via or call 010-5036465 •

What is Unlimited Monthly Premium Membership?

Never want to bring your own gloves or yoga mat again? Get our Unlimited Monthly Premium membership! You'll get free yoga mat and gloves rental and 10% off selected events. Who doesn't want that?

Am I eligible for a discount?

We offer a 10% discount for students who present us their student card and employees whose company supports their membership.

What is the cancellation policy for classes?

We totally get it—life happens! You can cancel a class for free up to 8 hours before it starts. After that, cancelling unfortunately means saying goodbye to the class credits.

How do I cancel my subscription?

We hope you'll stay with us for a long time. If you do wish to cancel your subscription, follow these steps in the YG Studios App. Go to ‘my account’ (person icon in the lower task bar). Click ‘my account’ (top right). Choose ‘my series’ from the menu. Find here your active series. Click on ‘cancel’ next to your active series. Note your series will be cancelled and you can use it till the end of your last billing.

How does the waiting list work, when a class is full?

Want to join your favourite class but find it fully booked? No worries, add yourself to our waitlist! Up to 8 hours before class starts, you will be automatically enrolled. You'll receive a confirmation email that your spot is booked. Get ready to sweat! If your class starts within 8 hours, we'll send you an email as soon as we have an open spot for you. You can then book this yourself, and you're ready to go.

Do you offer YG Studios giftcards?

Yes we do! What a great idea to gift some movement to your friend or loved one. Come by in our studio and get your beautifully designed gift card. You can select the amount yourself. Or go to our pricing page and get your online giftcard

Can i book a class or workshop for my friend?

All class bookings are personal and linked to your YG account. But you can purchase 2 workshop tickets and make 2 bookings on your account for you and your friend!

How do I book my Massage?

Head to our Massage page for all info and book your appointment via

What is the cancellation policy for massages and personal training?

You can cancel a personal training session free of charge up to 24 hours in advance. Please do so by contacting us as soon as possible. For a massage, you can cancel free of charge up to 24 hours in advance, but up to 12 hours before, you can also reschedule it to another time at no cost. You can modify your massage booking through

Can I temporarily freeze my membership?

It can certainly happen that you're unable to come for a while. You may freeze a monthly membership for a minimum period of two weeks, and this can be done a maximum of two times per year. To request this, please send an email in advance to

What is your cancellation notice period for a membership?

The notice period for a monthly membership is 1 month.