With longer nights and lower temperatures, some of us are susceptible to the winter blues. You may experience, fatigue, trouble concentrating or a change in your sleeping pattern. There’s even a name for it; SAD, or Seasonal Affective Disorder. The good news is there are a several simple and fun things that help you beat the winter blues.

embrace wintertime, taking expert advice
We consulted our Northern neighbors for their wintertime tips. While they experience some of the coldest, darkest and longest winters, they are consistently ranked among the happiest people in the world. Learn how to embrace wintertime and borrow some inspiration from Scandinavians.
We sat down with our Yin yoga teacher Camilla, originally from Sweden, and talked about how she builds a positive winter mindset. She notes: ‘When you have the wind blowing in your face going to your yoga class, you might have it in your back supporting you on your way home.’ Even if sometimes you must look a little harder, look for something positive in each day! ‘To me, it’s crucial to go outside every day, getting some daylight on my face. Try and fit a walk or bicycle ride into your daily schedule and make it a habit. Morning walks are great to let your circadian rhythm, our internal clock, know that it’s time to start a new day.’
Camilla also shared with us how the Swedes add light and brightness to their surroundings. ‘A big thing in Sweden is the countdown for Christmas, based on the four Sundays leading up to December 24th, celebrating the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th advent. All over the country you will see candles behind the windows. Adding extra light, and home-made sweets create this cozy vibe the Danes call “Hygge”. I can highly recommend our saffron and cinnamon buns, and our gingerbread is the best in the world!’

We rely mostly on our sight, hearing and spatial orientation as we work and get around in life. What would happen if we engaged all our senses and smelled more, felt more and tasted better? In this edition of the Future Affairs podcast Caro Verbeek, researcher of olfactory heritage, working for among others, the Dutch Rijksmuseum, argues that our sense of smell deserves more attention as it contributes to our wellbeing. Unconsciously we make choices about people and places based on how they smell.
At YG Studios, we rely on Marie Stella Maris for scent in our studios. This autumn and winter, we added some extra items from their range to our studio shops. Come check it out and find the perfect gift.
engage all your senses
Don't hesitate, meditate
Meditation helps us stay centered, grounded, and in touch with ourselves. Sitting down to meditate sounds simple, finding the time to do so can be a challenge. Why not replace your regular exercise time with a meditative practice?
Our Yin based Flex and Restore classes draw from present day techniques, grounded in science, as well as classical yoga. They help you to enter a state of calm and tranquility, incorporating breathing techniques, slow movements and focused attention to your mind.
Alternatively, book yourself some time for individual guided meditation or a restorative practice in a Yoga Therapy session tailored to your needs. Camilla, Liz, Annemarie and Nicola are here to support you and beat the winter blues!
Or check our interesting workshops below.

Breaking away from your daily routine allows you to rest, relax and rejuvenate. If you’re considering a retreat, we may have found just the ticket. Located atop a hill, overlooking the gorgeous Lago d’Orta in northern Italy, check out Mandali. A beautifully designed retreat center, dedicated to inner peace, well-being and transformation in safe, peaceful and lush green environment. As a bonus, both the food and the view are amazing too!
how to book a personal training session
Make sure you have YG Personal credits on your account. Send us an email by hitting the button below and let us know your favorite teacher and time slot.
We will help you balance out your body and mind.
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